My musings now that I have found myself on the other side of the rainbow.

27 May 2011

Still kicking....

and screaming through life!

Been trying to get an idea of where I should be and what I should be doing. Still haven't figured it out. Not by a long shot.

Just turned 38 a few weeks ago. With it came the conclusion that Blue Bird would be an only child here on this Earth. The Wizard had been very clear that he could not go through another pregnancy. Too afraid to lose me - to afraid to say good-bye to another little one. So - with my increase in years came my acceptance of no more kids. Heart broke a little - but I did start to be okay with it - what choice did I have?

The Wizard has been working out of state for the past four weeks. Came home for a day - and dropped the bomb - he wants another little one. Out of the blue. No lead up to the conversation - just boom - "I want Blue Bird to have a little sister or brother". Needless to say - I had no idea how to respond. So - he's left back out after being home about 24 hours (gone for another 4 to 6 weeks) - and I am sitting here trying to figure out where I go with this information.

Never thought I would hesitate. I'm at a loss.


Suzy said...

wow. Talk about out of the blue!

Well, as someone who is desperate to have as many babies as possible (and still struggling for another know what my response will be :)

Whatever you decide, we're behind you <3

Anonymous said...

I do not know what I would say/think either in that situation. I think I would start with "Can we talk about this?" You have 4-6 weeks while he is gone to discuss. We are here for you either way,