My musings now that I have found myself on the other side of the rainbow.

30 May 2010


The tears have been creeping in every day. And I have been cutting them off each time. Blue Bird was fighting his nap this morning - so I put in a CD that I had made for him - with many of the songs that had been on his brother's nap CD too. I rocked and sang to him... and had to bite back the tears. All I want to do is sit here and cry. Cry for Bumble Bee - cry for the growing sense of loss - I am so blessed with every minute God lets us have Blue Bird - but it is an every day reminder of what we missed out on.... here they come... I just can't stop them. I give up - I surrender.


Suzy said...

right there surrendering with you

DG Lost said...

I so wish I could be there IRL for you. Sending love from the other side of the world.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes surrendering is all we can do...((HUGS)) Thinking of you...