My musings now that I have found myself on the other side of the rainbow.

22 February 2010

I'll get you my pretty!

Yeah - calling me "pretty" gives you the same eye rolls as calling me "Ma'am" or "Lady". I think the context it was said in the movie is the ONLY way I'd be okay with it.

Well - my quest for all things pretty on the internet took some very odd turns. To the point where I'm not so sure where to begin.... what I should be looking for... What words do you even use in your search? Pretty.... beauty.... fashion....

What started this whole idea and quest? I stalk a few blogs of DB parents.... Just to see that we are not freaks in our thoughts about our journey in OZ..... To be a giver of - I wouldn't call it wisdom - but maybe to provide a thought or a little bit of comfort of the other walkers of this fickle Yellow Brick Road. ANYWAY! One of my cyber friends had a link to a website where I was pushed into this feeling of wanting to be pretty....
Can I just say WOW!!!! The hair, the make-up, the incredible style Candace DeVille has! Her site just wants me to want to be girly. (ETA: Check out the links she has listed - more world of girly!!!!)

So - where am I with this whole idea.... Still in the idea phase. I am procrastinating soooooo bad about starting any type of beauty routine. Even typing that makes me shutter. I think I am still fighting with the "Is is worth my time?" But - I also hear that little voice (yes - I do hear voices - sue me) - "Aren't you worth taking that time?" So - again - the internal battle is happening. Not sure how far I'm going to take this idea here...... we'll see how the hat sits on my head!


Suzy said...

Ahh my lovely. I have you hooked on my dear Candice do I?? Everyone needs a bit of glamour in their life, especially when you are grieving. I've gone back to taking more care with myself, doing my hair properly every day and getting out my 1950's charm more and more because I completely let myself go in the past few years. And I tell you, I feel better about myself than I have in a long time.


DG Lost said...

Oh yes - a big thank you to you for introducing to me to all the pretty that is Candace's world! First step - tomorrow - I attack the eye brows. :o) XOXO