My musings now that I have found myself on the other side of the rainbow.

25 March 2010

Hippity, hoppity, Easter's on it's way!

It's almost here! Easter! Hands down my favorite holiday. Many happy childhood memories go with Easter - all the kids on my Bio-Dad's side posing on the back of Grandma and Grandpa's couch with our Easter baskets in hand... being at my great Aunt's house after church with a long row of suckers (how they used to package the little, flat suckers)... as a teen going to church with my Granddad and Bubba for mid-night mass and the blessing of the basket... Granddad and Bubba showing us how to make bunnies out of Styrofoam balls and pink & white pipe cleaners... coloring eggs...

I am attempting year #2 of making home made pierogi. Last year I was able to make about 3 dozen potato and cheese ones... but got bored and hated being stuck in the kitchen with a cute 4 month old in the other room. I have stolen the recipe from Gary and Chris Dyrkacz's website.... Just perfect!!!! I have also taken up their suggestion and purchased the Cut-and-Seal from Pampered Chef (placed the order the Monday after last Easter). So - I'm hoping with the cheating utensil - to make many more potato/cheese pierogi and even some sour crout ones! Oh yum, yum.... just dripping in butter and onion goodness.... I hope to be able to take lots of pictures to share with you! It will keep me on pace this weekend - knowing I have to show some proof of completion.

This year I am also hoping the weather cooperates so we can have an Easter Egg Hunt at the Evil Overlords'. The thought of watching Blue Bird stumble around the yard with a basket warms my heart. Oh - and I have ordered a hand made tie for him and a new dress shirt (JC Penney). I LOVE the website and try to order anything I can there instead of going through retail stores. JoJoDesign has great looking ties!

I ordered letter A for Blue Bird. I can not wait to see him in it!!!! Now if I could just find something for me to wear - I'll be all set (Wizard is on his own).

Big question - should I attempt to dye eggs with a 15 month old?

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