My musings now that I have found myself on the other side of the rainbow.

31 March 2010


I have not been able to get the perogies done. I have the filling made, the butter and onions precooked.... but between feeling exhausted and Blue Bird going through some kind of phase (very clingy, won't eat... more teeth coming in?) - I just haven't gotten any further. Trying to not throw in the towel this year and get store made ones.... but the closer we get to the weekend - that's looking more and more like the right idea.

Good news on the weight loss front - 3 pounds down this week! We are having a "Greatest Loser" contest here at work (started on Monday) - so - that's helping me to keep an eye on what I eat and to get moving more. Even went to a "Boot Camp" workout yesterday at lunch time. Can barely move today - but - as they say - no pain no gain!

In an odd place right now. I just feel so far away from Bumble Bee. Not sure what I need to do to fix it. His flower box at the house needs worked on. Maybe I can tackle that after work a few nights this week. Goodness knows we need to get our butts out in the fresh, warm air while it's actually here.

Okay - done rambling. Hope to post something productive soon. :o)

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